Tango for the



We are excited to provide exclusive lessons for the Krewe of the Knights of Sant’ Yago 

Learn Tango

There are two options to learn Tango: Group Lessons & Private Lessons. The difference is primarily on flexibility of time and pricing. See below for more info. 


Group Lessons

Group Lessons occur every Monday night from 7-8pm. The lessons are 8-week long and include a Practica day on the 4th and 8th lesson. You will be part of a larger group. This course fills up quick and usually has between 15-25 students.

Course start: Monday, November 4th from 7-8pm

Location: 5320 South MacDill Ave, Tampa FL

 If 20 or more people from the Krewe of Sant’ Yago are interested in group lessons, we may be able to schedule a group class just for the Krewe, please contact us.

Register by 10/21 to SAVE! 

8 Week Intro To Tango (SAVE $20)

 Private Lessons

Private lessons provide more flexibility and focused instruction. If you are interested in Private Lessons you can contact us for scheduling. Below are the pricing packages.


* Prices include 60 minutes lesson, one instructor and studio floor fee. For two instructors, please contact us.

  • 1 Lesson = $150
  • Package of 3 = $435 ($145 each lesson)
  • Package of 5 = $700 ($140 each lesson)
  • Package of 10 = $1,270 ($127 each lesson)


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